so, i'm on a mission. i'm trying to get the lobstermen to recycle their returnables. most of them throw them in their trash and then throw their trash in a nasty bait barrel and i hate picking through the nasty trash to get to the cans. some of them make the effort to bring them home, and by some i mean one. some of them throw them overboard which
infuriates me. so i have a plan. we have this pond on the island owned by the sweetest old couple, sanford and mabel. in the winter we skate on it and it is awesome. there is a little warming hut there with a fireplace inside. there are skates for everyone, hockey equipement, pucks, and hot chocolate and s'mores stuff. there are even lights so we can have night skating. sanford has opened this pond up to the community for years and as a community we try to take care of it. for a lot of us, the pond is a saving grace. the winter gets long and boring and going down there for a night game of hockey breaks the boredom. we always try to have a community skating party... last year i helped organize one and we had over 70 people there. trust me, that's a lot since there are only around 350 people here in the winter. its great, we bring food and music and it's like a lifetime original movie, but real. i always love seeing the wannabe thugs teaching the litt
le kids how
to tie their skates or play hockey... so back to my plan... everyone loves the pond, so i am collecting the cans and bottles and donating all the money to help with the pond. my goal is to buy some new skates, a new helmet and lots of hot chocolate and marshmallows. i'm having a competition to see which boat brings the most cans and whoever wins gets... something. i don't know yet. i'll bake them cookies or a pie or something if its an old guy and if its a young guy maybe beer? i don't know. check out my recycle center on the smack. clearly i am a dork. i'm so proud, like it's a 5th grade science project and i won a spot in the science fair. the lobstermen think i'm kind of crazy, but at least i amuse them:)