Tuesday, September 23, 2008

falling in love all over again

with autumn. the f-bomb and i went to sandy beach (my fav) this morning and it was awesome. it was peaceful and calm. the air was crisp and clear but it wasn't too cold, just a nice nip to the air that made breathing deep. the water sparkled. the air smelled of woodsmoke. the birds were loud and joyous and waves lapping the beach were rhythmic and serene. i am always sad to see the summer go and it seems to go so quickly but today i remembered why i love the fall best of all. time slows a little. my island becomes mine again as the summer people pack up and move off to warmer climates or city living. i make more soup. the autumn is an industrious and busy time too. trying to get those last minute things done before the winter sets in and we settle down with our winter things. i still need to go camping, i still need to visit miles in ashburnham, i still need to get to north conway. this morning the sun is shining in my window and i am making soup and doing homework and thinking about the new quilt i want to make to curl up with this winter and i am falling in love with the leaves changing the and air and the blue of the ocean and i am falling in love with fall.

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